"Why has this discipline of radio - at one time the very heart of
electronic technology - come to the point where people consider it an
arcane science ? I have been forced to consider what first attracted me to
radio during my formative years. I liked radio because it was aesthetically
appealing. I was not nearly as impressed by the capabilities of radio as by
the very nature of radio. Radio is great, not because of what it does, but
because of what it is. Nobody buys an original Da Vinci painting to cover a
hole in the wall. By the same token there are other means of communication
that are more efficient than bouncing signals off the ionosphere; but the
very fact that we can bounce signals off the ionosphere makes it worth the
effort ... Maxwell's equations appeal to the body, soul and spirit. Sine
waves are veritable works of art. Antenna radiation patterns are beautiful
... It is incumbent upon radio initiates to convey the mystique and aesthetic
aspects of our hobby to newcomers. To fail to do so is to doom our hobby
and the radio profession to the status of a lost art."
Eric Nicols, KL7AJ
"Somewhere on a lonely mountaintop on a starry night, or maybe in an
apartment on a bustling city block, someone is channeling the whole world
onto a mobile device. It's not a phone; it's a shortwave radio ...
Now that the Internet is a fixture in many homes in the United States and
Canada, there are few practical reasons to buy a shortwave radio. Thousands
of stations that once were available only on the shortwave band are online
The contrast is stark: iPods and satellite radios are slim and
pocket-sized, while shortwaves are throwbacks, typically as square as a
textbook and just as serious looking.
So why bother with shortwave?
It's easy and cheap -- and fun. You can hear and learn things that
you would never find even if you work your search engine like a mule. From
Swaziland to Paris to Havana, shortwave broadcasters can surprise an
adventurous listener more than any MP3 playlist ...
It's also magic.
Shortwave radio enthusiasts acknowledge the thrill -- the romance, in a way
-- of going out at night and snaring news, music, odd bleeps, religious
zealots and other broadcasts from the wild sea of frequencies in the sky.
In aural terms, the Internet wins. Shortwave by nature sounds dirty:
Its signals whoosh from clouds of static and are subject to the whims of
sunspots and atmospheric disturbances.
But when you hear voices over
the noise and squeal, and realize you are hearing Mongolia, live, there is
a warmth and a human connection that are hard to find on the Web.
Shortwave also can deliver news faster than you might find it online, and
in places where your other devices don't work ..."
Excerpts from "Shortwave Radio Still Packs an Audible Thrill"
by Robert MacMillan, New York (Reuters), Jan 14, 2009
"I don't believe in magic, but I do know that sitting in my car in the
middle of Mississippi and listening to a signal that traveled more than a
thousand miles, over nearly a dozen states, and came down into my car through
a metal pole antenna and two paper-cone speakers, was as near to a magical
experience as ever I'm likely to have."
Richard Rubin, "It's Radi-O! The Medium That Can Turn
Anywhere into Somewhere"
Every minute of every hour of every day radio amateurs all over the world communicate with each other and discover new friends while experimenting with different and exciting new ways to advance the science and art of radio. We are a global fraternity of dedicated people who share a common passion, able to exchange ideas and to learn more about each other by overriding the boundaries of nationality, ideology and religion.STATION DATA
I came on Earth on 15 December 1956 in the town of Pforzheim in Southwestern Germany, "Gateway to the Black Forest" and only 25 km away from the University of Karlsruhe where Heinrich Hertz proved the existence of electromagnetic waves in 1886. As a young boy my grandfather's radio fascinated me, with the glowing tubes inside bringing voices and music a long way from all these strange places printed on the dial. I discovered spooky number stations and heterodynes of CW signals and soon I was smitten by the magic, spirit and soul of RADIO.
In memory of my late uncle Fritz Hauff, W3NZ, who was a true cousin of my
grandmother and a passionate and exceptional radio amateur. This picture
shows OM Fritz in his 1950 radio shack in Royersford / PA when he held his
first callsign W3GHS.
(by W3NZ, from the FOC News Sheet #666, April 2005)
At 2200z on 9 October 2001 I checked 20 meters. Signals from Europe were strong
but not plentiful, and in my pet spectrum (14022 - 14030 KHz) the CQ from DJ5IL
was outstanding and snappy. I gave my call once and he bounced back to me with
flawless CW. "TNX OM for call, you are 599 and my name is Karl, the QTH is
Pforzheim, at the north end of the Black Forest. BK".
I said, "Many TNX Karl, you are also solid 599, my name is Fritz. I know the
Black Forest well, my mother came from Haiterbach and years ago I had some
relatives in Pforzheim. I am not sure of their name, but believe it was Karl
Fischer, he was married to my cousin Kaethe Klenk and he had a store selling
watches and clocks. Would you know them or of them? BK".
Karl replied. "Solid copy Fritz. My name is Karl Fischer and the store is
still in the family. We are related, I am 45 years old and I never knew my
grandfather Karl Fischer, he had died before I was born. How about it?".
By that time my mind went almost blank. A good CW operator in the relationship
was too much for me to contemplate. We exchanged e-mail addresses and
After I told my wife Jean this story, her eyes opened wide and she said,
"It's hard to believe, it is a small world !".
(by W3NZ, from a personal letter)
I was ten years old - back in 1921 when I saw and heard my first radio. It was
a home built 3 tube breadbord set.
I was hooked !
It was an adventure for me to build a little crystal set. The big expense was
a pair of Siemens earfones and the cotton covered wire for the coil and the
aerial. It took a few days before the miracle happened - I heard Stuttgart.
Was I ever excited! " Mom, hurry up and listen! " She arrived, I put the
earfones over her head. Her cheeks turned white and after a few seconds she
hollered: "Get this thing out of this house, it is the work of the devil !"
A week later she had a change of mind - after she found out that her preacher
also had a
It was the beginning of my life long passion !
Back in the early days of radio, the equipment was highly experimental and all home-built. Until the electron tube was invented, radio transmitters used a noisy and dangerous rotary spark-gap to generate radio waves and so they were often housed in a separate outbuilding or shed. At that time, wireless radio equipment aboard ships was generally housed above the bridge in a wooden structure which became known as the "radio shack". In amateur radio terminology, the radio room is often called "ham shack". This slideshow turns back the dial and puts the spotlight on classic ham shacks of a bygone era. Stop by from time to time for spotlights on other radio themes ...
Move the pointer (mobile devices: tap) into the above slideshow
to pause and out of it to continue autoplay. While paused an info
window for the current slide can be opened by clicking (tapping)
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clicking (tapping) into the window to pause further or by moving
the pointer (tapping) out of the image to resume autoplay. Go to
a particular slide by clicking (tapping) on its index number.
This chapter presents articles, essays and features dealing with Technical, Operational, Historical and Regulatory aspects of amateur radio. The layout of some of the available PDF files is my reminiscence of the "ham radio" (HR) magazine, which was founded by Skip Tenney, W1NLB, and Jim Fisk, W1HR / W1DTY and published from February 1968 to June 1990. In its time HR was the preeminent technical magazine for amateur radio, it had no peers and to this day published some of the most cutting edge articles in amateur radio history. Feel free to download and circulate any of the material presented here ...
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If you are a serious semi-automatic key operator, you will always keep the
contacts of your "bug" shiny clean and perfectly adjusted. But even if you
do so, chances are that your transmissions sound filthy. The reason is
contact bouncing, a common problem with all unwetted mechanical contacts,
even those of high quality Morse code keys or keyer paddles. Here is an
easy to build PIC-based digital debouncer for bugs, sideswipers and
straight Keys ...
(in German only)
Unternehmen Sie mit mir eine Reise in die phantastische Welt der
Quentenmechanik, lernen Sie Schrödinger's Katze kennen und bauen Sie einen
besonders frequenzstabilen und oberwellenarmen "Negative Resistance
Oscillator" ... (Erstveröffentlichung meines Artikels in der Zeitschrift
"Funk", Januar 2003)
A PIC-based capacitive sensor encoder for frequency tuning of amateur
radio sets - I ordered a Xiegu G90 HF Transceiver In May 2021 because
with its 20 W output power, built-in ATU and very compact size it
looked like the perfect travel companion for my amateur radion activities
from abroad. However, when it arrived I was very disappointed for just one
single reason: the main tuning control is a primitive and cheapo
mechanical rotary encoder with 20 detents ! In this article I will
show you how I modified my G90 for serious frequency tuning. CapCoder
is a Capacitive sensor enCoder which needs no adjustment
and is selfcalibrating, very reliable and sensitive and allows for slow
and fast tuning without pushing a button ...
Please watch this video to see and hear
CapCoder tuning of my Xiegu G90.
(in German only)
Ein außergewöhnlicher Kurzwellenempfänger nicht nur für die Jagd nach
Störsignalen und nach Füchsen ... Auf diesem Video kann man den
"Wellenjäger" im Betrieb sehen und hören:
The suffix "-rama" stems from the Ancient Greek word "οραμα" which means
"wide view". In order to complement my article
"All about Squeeze-Keying" with a useful practical device I developed
the unique PIC-based multi-mode Morse code keyer "Keyrama". It enables the
operator to get a wide view of the different keying modes, to compare its
correct emulation and timing of the original twin-lever modes with the
behaviour of other keyers, to follow the visualized action of the
dot/dash-memory and to find out to which extent his specific keying
technique really makes use of it ...
An improved PIC-based capacitive sensor-paddle for electronic Morse code
keyers. Early sensor-paddles used by radio amateurs worked with the skin
resistance, which is a widely varying parameter and makes two electrodes
necessary. They were notoriously unreliable and no pleasure to operate,
and that's why they gained a bad reputation. Being a passionate high-speed
CW operator, in the late 1990s I had the idea for a sensor-paddle based
on the self capacitance of the human body ...
Here is its predecessor CapKey which is
self-calibrating but does not allow iambic modes with dot/dash-memory ...
(in German only)
Diese kleine zerlegbare Vertikalantenne erlaubt Amateurfunkbetrieb auf allen
KW-Bändern mit maximal 150 Watt Sendeleistung und bietet sich mit einer
Transportlänge von 37 cm insbesondere für den Portabelbetrieb an. Ein
Vergleichstest ...
(in German only)
Wohin geht die Leistung, die von einer fehlangepassten Last am Ausgang einer
Übertragungsleitung reflektiert wird ? Jahrelang war ich der Ansicht, daß sie
am Generator total re-reflektiert wird, so wie es von Walt Maxwell, W2DU,
ursprünglich propagiert wurde, und meine Darstellung dieses Modells war hier
zu finden. Inzwischen bin ich zu einer anderen Überzeugung gelangt und warum
das so ist, wird hier erklärt ...
(in German only)
Kondensierte Form des Artikels "Energiefluss auf Übertragungsleitungen",
ergänzt um die Begründung und Berechnung des Zusatzverlustes ...
Add a new dimension of CW perception to your receiver by incorporating this
simple audio device for pseudo-stereo reception of radio telegraphy signals.
The sound does not seem to originate from the earphones as usual, but from
the inside of your head. Multiple CW signals in the receiver passband seem
to be spreaded out holding specific positions, while static crashes appear
randomly distributed throughout the entire space - a spatial sound sensation
with depth and presence that makes CW copy unique ...
I recorded a few moments on the 40m band to demonstrate the effect of the
CODEPHASER. Before you listen to the demo, please note that it is absolutely
necessary to use stereo headphones - PC loudspeakers definitely don't work !
Don't expect astounding but rather subtle effects, since spatial sound
sensations are the normal condition for our auditory system. Close your eyes
while listening in order to focus exclusively on the sound. And certainly it
will take some time and several listening sessions before you can fully
appreciate this new dimension of CW reception. The demo consists of 9 radio
Clip #1 (39 sec.):
Sweep across the 40m CW band. The clip starts monaural, after 15 sec. the
CODEPHASER is switched in and the signals now appear on the right moving to
the left with increasing pitch ...
During the following clips, the CODEPHASER is switched in and out alternately
(the switching moment can be identified by a short popping noise):
Clip #2 (18 sec.), Clip #3 (30 sec.), Clip #4 (31 sec.):
CW pile-ups. A wide filter is used to enhance the spatial effect. Pay special
attention to G3PHO in the first and F6COW in the last pile-up ...
Clip #5 (16 sec.), Clip #6 (19 sec.), Clip #7 (10 sec.):
FSK-signals. Though it makes no sense to listen to them, they sound quite
interesting through the CODEPHASER ...
Clip #8 (18 sec.), Clip #9 (18 sec.):
Please listen now to the CODEPHASER sound demo
Extremely small and highly efficient - These two properties of a fictious
superantenna sound very attractive, not only to us radio amateurs.
Unfortunately, they are physically competing since the smaller the antenna
copared to the wavelength, the smaller the radiation resistance. And because
in real antenna systems the losses increase with decreasing radiation
resistance, efficiency drops with reduction in size. See my detailed
analysis of the DL7PE-MicroVert and it's derivatives and learn how the
MicoVert really works (in English and in German).
(in German only)
(Java-Script, in German only)
This JavaScript calculates estimated median values for external radio noise
using a spherical harmonic coefficient model according to CCIR Report 322 and
ITU-R P.372, the calculation is done according to NTIA Report 87-212 p.11 ff.
Crete became the second home for me and my wife Jutta and taught us a lot. In
the 1980s and 1990s we spent most summers there, explored the island off the
beaten tracks and found many true friends. Our base was the beachfront hotel
"Galini Beach", located at the apex of the great Bay of Kissamos in the extreme
West. At that time I designed a built tiny monoband 20m CW QRP transceivers
with only 1 Watt output power, which I operated as SV9/DJ5IL from the "Galini
Beach". The perfect take-off over the open sea usually resulted in very good
signal reports. Over the years I made thousands of QSOs with that setup, but
one of them was most memorable ...
Radio amateurs invented and pioneered electronic Morse code keyers, but today
their knowledge of the different twin-lever keying modes is sparse. Here is
a review and thorough explanation ...
The video demonstrates persistent iambic squeeze-keying without dot / dash
memory at 40 wpm ...
The prolific radio raconteur, whose easy storytelling style earned comparisons
to Mark Twain and who was described as "the first radio novelist", captivated
a generation with his stories and inspired a new generation of spoken narrative
artists. Shep was an American original, a radio and TV personality, humorist,
writer, actor and musician. The art, wit and humour of Jean Shepherd which has
entertained for so many years lives on in the recordings of many of his radio
shows, which can be found on the web as public domain. Some of these recordings
reflect his genuine an deep-rooted passion for the science, spirit and soul of
Radio and especially for Amateur Radio and CW. It is my pleasure to present you
a few of these recordings which I have compiled and remastered ...
Die << Rote Kapelle >> war das wichtigste und
erfolgreichste Nachrichtennetz im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Sie spannte ihre Fäden
über das ganze besetzte Europa, ja sogar bis in das Machtzentrum des Dritten
Reiches, und trug entscheidend zum Sieg der Alliierten bei - doch die meisten
ihrer Mitglieder opferten dafür ihr Leben. Dieser von den besten Agenten des
sowjetischen Geheimdienstes aufgebaute Spionagering wurde von einem Mann
geleitet, dessen Deckname allein schon sein Format kennzeichnet: Le Grand
Chef. Der Allgemeinheit fast unbekannt, gilt er unter den Spezialisten
als ein Spion vom Range eines Sorge, Abel oder Philby, ja vielleicht als der
größte von allen. Im Fachjargon der deutschen Geheimdienste bezeichnete man
den Chef eines Spionagenetzes als << Kapellmeister >>.
Er dirigiert das Spiel seiner Musiker, und unter ihnen ist ein besonders
wichtiger Solist: der << Pianist >>, der Funker. Als
Hitler von den Geheimsendern erfuhr, die in Berlin, Paris, Brüssel und
Amsterdam unter dem Taktstock des großen Chefs konzertierten, setzte er ein
Spezialkommando der Gestapo auf die Rote Kapelle an ...
1972 wurde von der ARD die vom WDR produzierte 7-teilige Fensehserie
"Die Rote Kapelle" ausgestrahlt, die gelungene filmische Umsetzung
der wahren Geschichte dieser legendären Spionageorganisation. Damals war ich
gerade mal 15 Jahre jung - aber so fasziniert von dem Film und von seinen
"Pianisten", dass ich schon ein Jahr später meine Lizenzprüfung als einer
der jüngsten Funkamateure in Deutschland abgelegt habe. Vor einigen Jahren
habe ich die Tonspur des Fernsehfilms überarbeitet, von mono in pseudo-stereo
gewandelt, und aus Segmenten daraus zusammen mit anderen Tondokumenten diese
Audio-Collage komponiert - Ich wünsche eine Stunde und zwanzig Minuten
spannende Unterhaltung !
(in German only)
Während mit der weiten Verbreitung billig produzierter Geräte und physikalisch
unvernünftiger Technologien - wie z.B. "Powerline Communication" PLC/PLT -
der Elektrosmog stetig zunimmt, ignoriert die Bundesnetzagentur BNetzA ganz
im Sinne von Industrie-Lobbys immer mehr ihren Gesetzesauftrag zum Schutz der
Funkdienste vor elektromagnetischen Störungen. Es scheint notwendig, die
Grundlagen dieses Schutzauftrags zu beleuchten ...
(in German only)
Kondensierte 6-seitige Version des obigen Artikels nur bezogen auf den
Amateurfunkdienst und ohne Diskussion der Schutzkriterien
Mühlacker is like Beromünster or Hilversum, on the scales of old radios the names of these unknown places can be found next to London, Paris or Moscow. And though such devices today can only be rarely found at places like attics or junk dealers, these names have burned themselves into the collective memory of radio enthusiasts. The small town of Mühlacker is located in the Southwest of Germany, almost exactly halfway between Karlsruhe and Stuttgart and only some 12 km away from my hometown Pforzheim. Here in the year 1930 the first high-power broadcasting transmitter in Germany and presumably in whole Europe came into existence, which aired a multitude of radio programs for more than eight decades. The following slideshow turns back the dial and tells its fascinating history ...This chapter presents audio clips of worldwide Amateur Radio, Broadcasting, Utility and Spy Number Stations. Stop by from time to time for new radio recordings ... Click on a station identifier to play the audio clip and listen to the MAGIC SOUNDS OF SHORTWAVE RADIO - Enjoy !
OE3KAB 4:08 min. of my CQ and QSO with Karl near Wien. I keyed the Icom IC-7610 with my Vibroplex "Original" Bug, left-handed model, Ser.# 234150 (built in 1963). 24-04-2024, 14:40 UTC, 40m.
TX5S Clipperton Island DX-pedition working the split pile-up with with a nice S 9 signal on 80m. 23-01-2024, 07:03 UTC, 3523 KHz.
N9RV 4:40 min. of my QSO with Pat in Montana. The warbling sound is typical for shortwave signals which traversed the auroral zone at 66° North and above. 23-12-2023, 15:29 UTC, 14021 KHz.
F5OUX calling CQ Japan "LP" (long-path), and the echo you can hear is indeed the long-path signal: when you analyze this soundfile with an audio editor, at 5.07 sec. you can see the onset of the last dot of a "C" on the the short-path and at 5.20 sec. the onset of the same dot on the long-path. The difference of 0.13 sec. is almost exactly the theoretical delay of the long-path signal which traveled 40,000 km around the globe in 0.13 sec. (40,000 km divided by 300,000 km/s). The QTH of F5UOX is Paris which gives a short-path to my QTH of some 500 km and so the long-path equals almost the earth's circumference of 40.000 km. 11-11-2023, 08:48 UTC, 28 MHz.
DJ5IL my own CW signals recorded by Don, WB6BEE, in Pagosa Springs / Colorado during our QSO. 19-10-2020, 14:26 UTC, 14 MHz.
VU2DK a well-known voice on the bands: op. Zal, QTH Poona near Bombay / India, here in QSO with DK5EC (op. Karl, QTH Bonn / Germany). 11-02-2011, 11:02 UTC, 21239 KHz, S9.
VK2GND op. Mark, QTH Hornsby / Australia, pushing 1 KW into two stacked 3-element Yagi antennas, in QSO with VU2XO (op. Patel in India). 10-01-2011, 13:30 UTC, 14273 KHz, S9 (short path).
ZL2JBR - QRP test John asks his QSO partner DL1DH in Germany to reduce power and copies his 1 Watt Signal still perfectly well with S3 in New Zealand, a distance of nearly 20.000 Km - really incredible ! 17-01-2011, 11:10 UTC, 14215 KHz, S9+10dB (short path).
ZL2JBR op. John, QTH Wellington / New Zealand. 21-12-2010, 09:25 UTC, 14215 KHz, S9, (short path).
HB9QQ calling "CQ DX" from Switzerland in CW on the 17m band, with echo signals due to multipath-propagation (... he worked many Japanese stations afterwards). 07-11-2004, 09:10 UTC, 18087 KHz.
Radio Ndarason Internationale targets the Kanuri, Kanembu and Buduma speaking populations in areas under influence of Boko Haram in the Lake Chad region and aims to serve as a tool against extreme violence. 05-12-2023, 06:51 UTC, 9535 KHz.
CGTN the China Global Television Network starting its French radio programme: "vous ecoutez CGTN radio". 23-01-2024, 05:59 UTC, 15220 KHz.
"Radio Kitaia" the Russian program of "China Radio International" CRI. 13-02-2011, 09:00 UTC, 15340 KHz.
China Radio International (CRI) with echoes caused by multi-path propagation. 20-12-2010, 10:20 UTC, 15440 KHz.
Deutsche Welle (DW) with strong echoes caused by multi-path propagation. 07-09-2010, 15:30 UTC, 6075 KHz.
Voice of Russia interval signal and anouncement "Hier ist Moskau ..." ("Here is Moscow ...") starting the German programme, 01-06-2004 15:00 UTC 7330 KHz.
AIR India with a typical music program. 06-07-2004, 13:52 UTC, 11585 KHz.
Radio Tashkent interval signal and announcement, exotic sounds from the capital of Uzbekistan on the Great Silk Road in Central Asia. 07-07-2004, 14:30 UTC, 17775 KHz.
BBC World Service time signal and announcement. 07-07-2004, 15:00 UTC, 15565 KHz.
Shannon Air Radio with the VOLMET weather forecast for Dublin airport. 24-12-2023, 06:07 UTC, 3413 KHz USB.
Almost every morning I can hear a strange station transmitting in slow CW on 5346 KHz, repeating words or phrases in French or English. Sounds to me like a CW training course, but where is the origin ? Here are some examples: "pomme forest nuage dog ice lune" on 29-12-2023 at 06:49 UTC, "chemin de fer" on 29-11-2023 at 06:27 UTC, "arret de bus" on 15-11-2023 at 05:55 UTC.
According to my observations there seems to be sort of renaissance of spy stations transmitting groups of numbers / letters in CW, and many of them "hide" within the CW sections of the amateur radio bands. Here are some more examples: 10111 KHz on 30-01-2024 at 15:57 UTC, 5353 KHz on 11-01-2024 at 15:33 UTC, 5350 KHz on 10-12-2023 at 14:13 UTC, 14004 KHz on 03-12-2023 at 14:22 UTC, 7025 KHz on 23-11-2023 at 16:09 UTC (in FSK, frequency-shift-keying).
38702 77026 ... yes, there are still spy number stations active in CW like this one ! After the automatic transmission of number groups, the operator seems to wait for confirmation by the target station and uses the straight key to ask "QRV ?" ("are you ready ?"). 27-03-2011, 08:17 UTC, 14937 KHz, S9+20dB !
846 846 ... Russian spy number station. 12-01-2011, 10:15 UTC, 14280 KHz.
"Echo Zulu India" spy number station (ENIGMA classification: E10). It is generally believed that MOSSAD (the Israel Intelligence Service) operates these stations, transmitter sites include Israel and their embassies and consulates. E10 is characterized by a female voice repeating a three letter phonetic phrase. This can go for hours before the message is sent, which consists of blocks of phonetic letters. 03-07-2004, 07:00 UTC, 11565 KHz.
"three nine two zero eight" another spy number station with a xylophone intro - spooky ! 05-07-2004, 15:10 UTC, 11545 KHz.
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"Only a harmless radio amateur ?
You're kidding, madam, the whole NATO fleet just left their ports ..."
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